Packing Lists
There's no such thing as a 'definitive' packing list for Burning Man. What you're bringing depends on what kind of thing you're staying in (tent? yurt? box truck? RV?) and what your requirements are both for your individual survival and enjoyment, and for how you're going to contribute to your camp (if you're part of one) and Burning Man at large.
Having said that, here are a couple packing lists to help guide you.
Having said that, here are a couple packing lists to help guide you.
- My packing list . This is a no-nonsense packing list that I think will let you easily figure out what you can subtract or add from or to it. Remember: Everybody is going to have different requirements for Burning Man. This is a simple place to start.
- Stitch's packing list. This is an incredibly detailed list, plus more. It's all good advice, but it's a bit of overkill for most people.
- Jesse's packing list. Another detailed list, but this one is aimed mainly at people camping with large camps that provide a lot of infrastructure.